June 17, 2012 Seventh Cross-Strait Cataract and Refractive Surgery Experts’ Forum

TSCRS organized the Seventh Cross-Strait Cataract and Refractive Surgery Experts’ Forum in Taipei World Trade Center 2nd floor conference room on June 17, 2012   時間 講題 演講者 主持人/點評人 0900-1000 海峽兩岸醫事交流學術論壇聯合開幕式 美國AAO/ISRS– Living on the Cutting Edge 專題1-The Edge of Laser Vision Correction 1000-1015 Femtosecond Laser in Cataract and Refractive Surgery update Te-Tsaw Chen M.D.…

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June 19, 2011 Sixth International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait (Agenda)

June 19, 2011 Sixth International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait       時間 講題 演講者 主持人/點評人 0830-0900 報 到 0900-1000 聯合開幕式~貴賓致詞 SECTION 1 / Refractive Surgery and Practical Management ( Global Eyes Alliance) 1000-1015 Successfully Marketing Refractive Procedures across the Generations”- Understanding key motivations & customer triggers for each…

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Fifth International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait First Taipei Medical Cosmetics, Microsurgery, Anti-Aging, and Hair Growth Medicine Joint Academic Forum Time: June 20, 2010

Fifth International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait   First Taipei Medical Cosmetics, Microsurgery, Anti-Aging, and Hair Growth Medicine Joint Academic Forum   SECTION1 Basic Issues of Refrective Surgery 主持人 陳德照醫師、古婉珍醫師、趙家良醫師1001國際會議廳 時間 題目 醫師 AM09:00~AM09:12 長波長紅光誘導近視眼的作用機制研究 褚仁遠醫師(上海) AM09:12~AM09:24 準分子雷射術後的角膜生物力學改變 周 浩醫師(上海) AM09:24~AM09:36 準分子雷射屈光手術安全問題及規範管理 陸明岡醫師(鎮江) AM09:36~AM09:48 近視家族胎兒鞏膜基質金屬蛋白?及生長因數的異常 李鏡海醫師(濟南) AM09:48~AM10:00 中國二甲醫院眼科資源現狀及服務能力調查(以江西為例) 石 潯醫師(南昌) AM10:00~AM10:10 專題討論( Panel Discussion…

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