TSCRS 2009 Refractive and Cataract Surgery Advanced Program/TSCRS Northern Taiwan Refractive Multifocal Forum/TSCRS Northern Taiwan Refractive Multifocal Forum Time: June 21, 2009

TSCRS 2009 Refractive and Cataract Surgery Advanced Program/TSCRS Northern Taiwan Refractive Multifocal Forum/TSCRS Northern Taiwan Refractive Multifocal Forum   Time: June 21, 2009   時間 題目 演講者 主持人:陳德照 陳昌文 潘志勤 08:00-08:15 報到 08:15-08:30 Opening Welcome 主持人 08:30-08:45 飛秒雷射角膜中周部基質多層掃瞄的效應研究 褚仁遠 08:45-09:00 兔Epi-LASIK與Flap-free Epi-LASIK術後Haze形成的實驗對比研究 杜之渝 09:00-09:15 Epi-LASIK與鞏膜後加固術聯合治療進行性近視眼 陸鳴岡 09:15-09:30 Comparison of dry eye Parameters after Femtosecond and Microkeratome-assisted…

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Assisted in organizing the Fall Academic Event of Taiwan Academy of Ophthalmology Time: (Sun.) October 19, 2008

台灣眼科學教授學術醫學會 2008年秋季學術研討會 議程簡表 (暫定) 時間:2008年10月18(星期六)~ 10月19(星期日) 地點:台灣大學醫學院 會長兼總召集人:林隆光 時間:2008年10月18(星期六) 13:00 ç 15:00 報      到 第一會場 第二會場 第三會場 13:30 ç 17:00 先天眼皮下垂的處置原則 斜弱視篩檢 先天白內障的處置原則 斜弱視之矯治 時間:2008年10月19(星期日) 08:30 ç 15:00 報      到 09:00 ç 12:00 近視之防治 Retinal Diseases in Pediatric Ophthalmology 白內障及屈光手術之最新發展 (TSCRS 協辦) 近視與青光眼 海峽兩岸醫務管理及醫療政策討論 (TSCRS 協辦) 張朝凱、陳德照 12:00 ç 14:00 午   餐 14:00 ç 17:00 眼科醫師教育課程 – multifocal…

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Third International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait Time: June 21, 2008

June 21, 2008 TSCRS organized the Annual Meeting Reception June 22, 2008 TSCRS held the annual meeting at the NTUH International Convention Center June 22, 2008 TSCRS held the annual meeting at the NTUH International Convention Center Dr. Steven C. Schallhorn recruited members on behalf of ISRS/AAO June 22, 2008 TSCRS held the annual meeting…

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Eight International Congress of Ophthalmology and Optometry China (COOC) (and Cross-Strait Forum) Time: April 3–6, 2008

Dr. Chao-Kao Chang, We wish to discuss with you certain matters concerning Eighth COOC. The Congress is scheduled for April 3–6, 2008 and will take place in Nanjing, Jiangsu. We met with the organizer, Jiangsu Medical Association, yesterday and, in the meeting, I was assigned to contact you about attendance in the meeting by physicians…

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Assisted in organizing the Congress of the Ophthalmological Society of Taiwan Time: December 16, 2007

TSCRS Rundown in the Annual Meeting on December 16 Responsible Person: Dr. Te-Tsaw Chen, Dr. Chao-Kai Chang Time: 10:00 to 12:45, December 16, 2007 Venue: Classroom 30, National Defense Medical Center, Tri-Service General Hospital The rundown is provided below   時 間 演 講 者 題 目 簡 歷 Session 1       Corneal Refractive Surgery Moderator 張朝凱醫師(台灣)、王勤美醫師(大陸) 10:00~10:15 丘子宏 The clinical significant…

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